Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Weedless Widow: An Antique Lover's Mystery by Deborah Morgan

I don't usually read mysteries although I love listening to them while I'm driving. I don't give a hoot about antiques. The title of this book should have given me a clue how much interest I might have in it.

This book is geared towards antique lovers first, fishing enthusiasts second, people who love someone suffering from agoraphobia third, and mysteries lovers last, if at all. Catering to those three special interest groups in a 180 page book left precious little room to develop a good mystery.

While the set-up and the ensuing detective work seemed reasonable enough, the solution was a bit disappointing. I did not find the murderer believable. The motive was lame, the cover-up lamer, and the totally illogical last ditch desperate effort to escape not plausible.

If you are into antiques or fishing (I'm not) you may find this enjoyable. So why did I pick this out of all the 25 cent choices at Molly's thrift store to be the first book to read in 2008?

I liked the cover art.