Monday, February 25, 2008

What Was That Again?

I'm reading/studying Somatics by Thomas Hannah. This morning I covered the section on aging and the loss (or not) of mental capacities. In some ways the basic message is the same: "Use it or lose it." The thing I found interesting was that a couple of long term studies indicate some people continue to gain in mental capacity as they age.

I know very well that I'm not nearly as smart as I used to be. I also know very well that I have not been "using" what I did have these many years. Is it too late to redirect this trend? And what, pray tell, would be the best method in which to work this brain of mine?


Joe said...

You need to take up the art of varnishing large objects. You will learn to obsess over every little thing that could possibly go wrong, and there is no better way to fully engage your brain than with an obsession.

You will obsess over the weather, and look for a clear morning with little humitity and a warming trend that will also assure you that humitity will remain low throughout the drying process. You will watch the weather channel hourly waiting for the right moment to start your project.

You will obsess over the dust. Small dust particles will settle onto your work marring the finish. Cleaning will be your priority. You will also worry about the cleanliness of the surface of your work. Dust or chemical residues are killers.

Bugs are another thing you will worry about. You will wonder where each and every bug you see will land.

You will obsess over the surface area of your work. You will wonder if there is any chance that the varnish will change the way mosture is obsorbed into your work. Changes in obsorption can cause warping.

Not only will varnishing help to fully engage your brain, it will also assure you that you will never need to be medicated for OCD. You will not have any time or energy left for obsessive compulsive activities once you start your new hobby.


Boomer said...

Mmmm, maybe getting dumber isn't so bad after all.

mully said...

i can agree to the obsession theory to a degree, there is a certain sharpening that can come with hyper-vigilance of this sort.
i am more inclined to go with belief, and i am well qualified to put this forth as i am the greatest of all time. i have been to known to believe all manner of things, all of them true. attitude is probably another. use it or lose it certainly goes for this attribute. i feel like i am gaining in mental capacities, and have not felt as strong since i was 29. we are just starting out my friend, there is no end to what we could know and do. i am such a freak.

mully said...

you were probably looking for some practical suggestions. what i did to spark my brain recently is that iwas puzzled by things and i wanted to know more, so i read everything i could that i thought would help me in my quest. then i came up with a new belief system(which did incorporate some of my long held befiefs) anyway part of my new belief system is that my belief system is always changing, so my brain has to continually work to keep up with all the changes. I am such a freak.