Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I'm looking for a folk tale I read years ago about a character named Twardowski or something like that. It was supposed to be a folk tale from Poland. I loved the story, and would like to read it again. Any help in finding it would be appreciated.

I found lots of stuff on Pan Twardowski and the devil online so I think that was his name except Pan Twardowski was a character in literature. I see no reference to Twardowski and folk tales online.

Twardowski in the story was a trickster like Jack. The story I'm looking for was about Twardowski falling into hell and being forced to work for the devil. The devil put iron shoes on Twardowski so he could not escape. Judas was in a special place in hell, and Twardowski was ordered to beat Judas with an iron rod. If he failed to beat Judas, the devil was going to beat Twardowski. The story ended when Twardowski showed mercy to Judas, and Judas used his long finger nails to rip through the iron shoes that held Twardowski in hell.

I would love to read this story again. Has anyone ever heard of this story or know where I can find it?

1 comment:

mully said...

i have not heard of twardowski...now tardowski i have heard of...